Monday, September 29, 2008

Vakkam Abdul Khader nu 'G' yude kathukal.....

First of all thanks to Rajesh for gifting me this book on my birthday!! :-). This is a collection of letters that G. Sankarakurup had written to Vakkom Abdul Khader over the years of their acquaintance. Here, we would be impressed by the bond of friendship shared between these two eminent writers. Wonder whether such relationship exists between today's writers?! Also one special thing that I noticed was that G has addressed Vakkom as 'Bratha' or 'Priya Bratha' in most of his letters may be except one or two in which he has addressed him as 'Suhruthe'. Was this difference in addressing a conscious effort?This remains a mystery to me! In some letters you can enjoy 'G's exra-ordinary talent in literature while some depicts his dreams, visions and certain elements of his character(esp. humility). If you love writing letters and reading them, do get your hands on this one!

1 comment:

Magu said...

Hey, Preets, I was looking for this book... Can I borrow ?.. Seems you are more into old malayalam stuffs theses days ...